Friday, November 23, 2007

rant... rant... rant....

I've always thought that when i'm into a relationship,it would fulfill all the emptiness in me... that it will make me feel complete... that everything would really be colorful... but then sometimes i could be wrong...

i am thankful for the good times i have with my special someone. i am also grateful for the love i've felt from him. never have i imagined that loving could be this sweet and wonderful. there are a lot realizations that this relationship has given me and these sometimes make me wonder if im really ready to keep this commitment.

its hard to love someone who has a different outlook in life. its hard to keep up to his expectations. its more difficult to live with someone who cannot assure you of what your future with him would be.

tell me one thing, is this how love should work? is this how every woman should endure? is this how every relationship endures?

im trying to figure out if it would be all worth it to let go rather than holding on to something that can't assure me of anything... aside from love (?) is this all that's gonna matter? what about the future of your family? what about the everyday dealings?

i've been torn and i guess will always be torn...

Friday, November 02, 2007

November 2007

One family reunion that we would always reminisce, since we have my big sis around this time. It is not often that we would have her on occasions like this. We spent the entire day at the cemetery and we got sunburns all over!!! argh!!