Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Choices, Decisions and Consequences

I've seen this statement on a friend's Facebook wall and it suddenly hit me hard how I've managed to live my life.

CHOICES: You are faced with a lot of choices in life. From the time that you open your eyes for a new day, you choose whether to hover in bed a little longer or should you get up to do your daily routine. Simple as it may seem, this is just an example of the choices that you make.

Choices may also be complicated, to the extent that you have to consider the feelings of others or the welfare of your beloved. These choices may also put you on a spot where you cant decide which of which should you opt to. Dilemma-when both or all choices laid on the table seem worthwhile and beneficial.

After the mind boggling series of questions on what choice to select, you, with a brave heart and soul, would finally decide which decision or path to take. In one way or the other, you've thought so hard about the if's and but's of it. You may have also considered emotions, time, background, foresight and so on and so forth.

What could be tough in decision-making? It may not be the best option to all people concerned. It can be a selfish cry to let other people allow you to decide on your own and respect your decision. It may entail big commitments, life-changing paradigm or a bigger picture of what life means for you.

Ideally, your decision should work the way that you have created in your mind or as what you may have expected. But not all decisions can be right. Not all decisions are carefully thought of. Not all of them are planned intelligently. Sooner or later, outside forces(yeah, outside and negative forces!), may come to ruin that perfect world that you have imagined. Breaking down the walls of your security and burning the garden of your happiness until it has turned into ashes.

Stunned by the moment of truth, you persist. Futile attempts are then made to revive what has been lost. Gathering all the strength that you have and succumbing to the last straw of hope. But can it be revived? Would it all be worth it? Would it be closer to reality this time?

Consequently, your decision may turn you into a mess. Wrong decisions may put you in that awkward moment or in a no-way-out situation... And this may have been avoided had it been that you have looked outside of scenario.

But it's not bad news all the time. There are good decisions too that end up with lasting results for you and the people that matters to you.With this, you would feel that you have overcome the strongest of the strongest and would lift you in the pedestal. Because you have made the right decision.

That is life... We choose. We decide. We face the consequence. At the end of the day, you must learn from the consequence of your decision. Otherwise, you might be a victim again of your impulsive decisions... then history would repeat itself.

I have had so many decisions that led me nowhere but there have been some that took me to where I am now. Though I may not be entirely happy with how things have become, I'm still proud... and I will continue to look at the brighter side of this thing called LIFE!