Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another Week

Yeah... another week has ended and another week is beginning... counting days and counting weeks.... Why am I counting? What is the counting for? Seriously, I dont know. But I feel like I'm wasting a lot of time doing nothing good or not achieving anything at this point of my life...

But there's one thing new. I have applied for the TLI ( Team Leader Intern ) position in our company. Though I know I have struggles with my leadership skills, I still felt that the exposure and the experience would help me a bit to enhance my potentials. I know that there would be a lot of oppurtunities for me to grab in this new company and I'm just trying to check on it one by one... ahehehe!! nah... of course not, I know I can try... there's no harm in trying, right....

So, just pray for me... and wish me luck...

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