Saturday, October 03, 2009


Lost in the blogsphere.

Lost connection for more than two weeks. Before Ondoy got his wrath in the country, the rain that poured out on Wednesday, Sept 16 got our roof so messed up. Flood didn't come from the outisde but in the inside of the house!!!

Since the room where the computer is located got busted, my poor pc got all the water. :-(

Days after that were boring... and I felt like I miss it like crazy!!!

Finally today, everything is back up... and here I am trying to make up for the lost time! Miss my restaurant in Facebook! ahehehe!!!

I won't rant about how bad I felt during those days that I don't have access to the net, because as most of you may have already known, there were thousands of people who had worse cases than I do.

Just sooo sooo thankful that this was all that happened to me.

I am also thankful to the thoughtful friends I have.... Thanks for your thoughts!!!

Now.... here I come!

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