Monday, January 12, 2009

From Raech

Its so overwhelming that people would see you differently and make you feel great about yourself. I mean, I dont really see me very special but people around me could attest that there is something in me that is superficial.

I want to share a letter from a very close friend whom I have loved and trusted the most. She may be a bit childish and perky to the highest level but she knows how and when to simmer down on serious matters.

I was moved to tears when I read this letter... Simply because I'm hurting... and having her around just makes it a bit lighter...

Just love it....


I know how hard it is to let go of someone especially after all the things that you had to go through for him. I also know that no amount of advice from friends, unsolicited or otherwise can ease the pain and make you feel better. I just know that everything is bound to fall into place. It may sound really cheesy, but how could God neglect to see such a wonderful person like you? I believe the Lord knows how much you yearn to find that person who will treat you like a queen and he too is searching patiently through the depths of the earth to find that man worthy of your love. All he asks is for you to wait a little more. In the meantime, allow yourself to mourn for your loss. Make use of the people around you such as your friends and family because unlike love, we never go away, even if you want us to. =)

I adore and love you to bits, Drey!

God Bless.


Mac & Hubbee said...

So nice... I am here for you Drey... You know that... Miss you!

Jiltedsummer said...

I know you have always been by my side TL. You have influenced me a lot and Im learning a lot from you.

Thanks for everything!