Wednesday, June 03, 2009

What Would I End Up With???

Facebook has just given me this idea. I created a set of questionnaire to test people how well they know me. And this particular question popped in my mind.

"If I'm not what I am right now, what would I be?"

Then suddenly, I started thinking... Honga noh. What could I be right now if I'm not working as a phone banker.

I got some options:

Band Vocalist. This is really my interest. I love singing. I still love to sing although I dont really find time to sing nowadays. This actually opened the doors for me to go to other country. Thats why Im thankful for the talent. But could it be a good option? I dont think so. Once you're contract is done in this country, you would need to go home. Not unless they would be extending your contract. But when you get home here, you would need to check hotels and bars who would likely need your service. Lucky for you if you will get 5 days of the week booked. But the rate would only range from Php500 to Php700 per night.

Teacher. I tried teaching since I was in my 2nd year in college. After I graduated, I continued my profession for like 3 years. I like the sense of authority it brings. I also like the respect that everybody is giving me. Parents would call me "Ma'am" even if they are older than me. And every time there is a party, I would be prioritized.. I would be served first. But I remember that my gross pay is like the total tax that I'm paying with the current job that I have. So, no way!!!

. My mom is trying to influence me to do sidelines at work. But I really dont have time to make "alok". Plus, I dont have that convincing power, believe me! I dont even have that charm to persuade buyers. I'm not even good at rebuttals. We used to have a boutiqu and when I would be assigned to man the store, I would end up having just one sale or worst none. So, another no way!

Housewife. This is a big no no. I dont like just staying at home. I am not as domesticated as I was before. I mean, I can clean the house, I can cook, I can do household chores but doing it everyday would not be productive for me. Not to discount housewives, ok? But I guess I know Im born not just to be a housewife. I like to earn my money and be able to buy things I like without asking money from my partner. No need to explain why I need this and what I would need it for. :P

To sum it up, I guess I'm doing better with what I am doing currently. I cant be thankful enough for having this job which sustains my son's education and a little of our needs and a bit of my wants. So thank you for the outsourcing business!!!

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