Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Holidays at Work

I am not ranting. But yeah sometimes can't help but think how call center representatives, customer service agents or whatever who might want to call it celebrate their holidays when there is a high need to be at work. It would just be a coincidence if your rest days fall on the dates of the merriment.

I can still recall my very first year as an agent, when I had to celebrate Christmas at work. The company provided free lunch but not have a party when the clock strikes 12mn. Still we had to consume 1 hour lunch and go back to our stations, no extra time to call family and friends to greet them.

Also, my first New Year celebration in the same company, we had free lunch for an hour and again no extra time to make personal phone calls. This time, we witnessed the fireworks in the area and we were amazed how it looked like from where our building stands. I remember that at one time, I placed the call on hold and rushed through the big window to watch the wonderful colors of the fireworks and also to hear the loud bang followed by a spread of light in the sky.

In my entire career as a CSR, it was only last year that I had the chance to be with my family. We were indeed lucky because our rest days fell on these dates.

For this year though, it will be another year like the first time. When the clock strikes 12, I would be saying my greetings to my colleagues. I would not be able to witness the smile at my son and niece's face as they open my gifts for them. My son has been long asking for him to open the gift but I impose patience. Good thing that my son obeys me ☺. I have filed for a leave for Christmas but the status is still pending. I can't think of any ways then to be with my family if my leave would not be approved. Most companies implement a strict compliance in terms of attendance on these critical days. And being away from work without any reason would mean a sanction that would be kept in our 201 file as long as we are with the company. Sucks right?

It saddens me to think that parents like me cannot be with our loved ones on these days that only happen once a year. You're not even sure that the next time these celebration come, you may have your chance to be with them again. This is honestly one of the disadvantages of working in a call center. Despite its perks, it also takes away your time to be with your family even on regular days since you have a different day and night compared to the normal schedule.

Again, I am not ranting. But I hope someday I would have the choice to be with my family.

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