Monday, March 23, 2009

Weeklong Countdown

After posting the countdown at the start of this month, now I'm down to a week of countdown. I have been eagerly waiting for the end of March. Why? Because of the good things that will happen to me... Because of this person who would make a big change in me...

In just 7 days...

Your eyes would meet mine
Understand meaning just by looking
glances would be familiar
and happiness would glisten in our eyes.

smiles would radiate through our lips
sending signals of comfort and gladness
touch would send signals through our hearts and minds
with real intentions revealed.

time is of the essence
no second to spare
dont want to miss any chance
of your love and your presence.

talks would be endless
sleep would be insufficient
but we would care less
as long as we have each other.

I'm just overwhelmed how you try to prove me your love. You are so deep. Like a reservoir of passion. Fill me with this love. May this love be the love that would make me complete.

You are my now. My present. A part of my existence. Hold on to me. I will be yours as long as you need me....

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