Sunday, March 01, 2009

My Greatest Fear

I was asked by a friend thru text what my greatest fear is. At that moment, I wasnt able to give out any answer because I was not in the mood to reply to the question. But the question rang thru my mind over and over again. It also made me thought what I really fear the most in my life.

At the age of 28, I envy my friends who at the late 20's of their age already has a family of their own and is managing their lives pretty well. Who has detached themselves to their parents and is already running their lives like they should. I also envy those single friends of mine who manages to keep up with life on their own without or less responbilities. They, who the problem is only to get by day by day. Who doesnt have other people to worry about but themselves.

It's not that I regret that I have a kid. A big NO! My son has been the most special gift I have. First because, I realized that I can bear a child, a healthy and normal child. Second is that, I found out that I wouldnt be having a sensitive pregnancy unlike other people who are advised by their physicians to stay in bed until the due date( which actually happened to my cousin's wife ). And lastly, I have proven that I can rear my kid according to the norm.

So what's my greatest fear then?

I actually have a few... and I know you would understand why.

I am afraid of getting old alone. Soon as my son wishes to marry his dream girl, I would be left on my own. Though my son has asked me several times if im willing to take care of his kid, I know there would be a lot of changes in our lives that we have to go through and making plans right now will be futile.

I am afraid of losing my loved ones. You would all agree with me on this. Not only my family but also those people whom I have shared my life with. It takes time for me to get over, thats a fact. How I wish my parents wont get old that fast...

I am afraid that I wont be able to fulfill what is expected from me. Whatever the case may be, may it be work related or with regard to family issues. This has happened to me a lot of times before and I know I need to make it up to them. I dont know how and when to start but I know it can be NOW.

Sometimes the more you fear of something, the more that it would be given to you just to challenge you or test your personality. Whatever is in store for me I would gladly welcome it and learn from the experience.

It's not too late... I know I still have the chance to make it up. I just hope I would always have the support from my friends and my family.

So there, I have shared mine. What's yours?

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