Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Third Kid in my Family

Yup, there is a third kid in our family. I may not have been taking much about her since she doesn't live with us.

Every summer and Christmas are the only two occasions that she gets the chance to visit us. I would pick her up from their house and would let her stay with us in a week of two.

Since summer has arrived, my niece Alych has irritatingly reminded me of picking up her sister. I know I should be the bigger person here, however sometimes I just don't find the time to do so and that's when I begin to be irritated.

Anyway, she is my sister's second child. 10 days after my kid was born, she delivered my second niece. How nice isn't it. Can you imagine having 2 preggies at your own house bumping into each other with our big bellies?

So it's bonding time once again. Time to catch up with the lost time with her, Aleeia.

Look at the crazy faces!

Asejia, Me, Aleeia and Alych

Kids with Mommy

Crazy faces


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